Under the DMCA, if we receive a legitimate copyright infringement notice, we will take action by removing or restricting access to the identified material. To ensure fair resolution, we may disclose details of the notice, including the complainant’s contact information, to the alleged infringer. If you believe that your content was removed or restricted in error, you may send a counter-notification containing: Identification of the material that was removed or disabled, along with its previous location. Your contact details, including full name, mailing address, phone number, and email. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, affirming your belief that the removal was due to an error or misidentification. An agreement to the jurisdiction of the relevant U.S. federal district court (or any applicable jurisdiction if outside the U.S.) and acceptance of service from the original claimant or their agent. Your signature, either digital or handwritten. Once received, we will assess the counter-notification and respond accordingly in line with DMCA regulations.